We got featured in our local BIA blog!

We are truly honored to be featured on the Strathcona BIA blog!

As proud members of this vibrant community, we deeply appreciate the incredible work the Strathcona BIA team does to support local businesses and foster community amonst all us neighbours.

Thank you for shining a spotlight on Creative Others Collective Inc. and the work we love doing, your efforts inspire us to continue contributing to this amazing neighborhood!

Troy McNamara

A good idea with passionate individuals behind it is what gets me going!

With training and work experience in Marketing, Event Management and Architecture along with being an International Sailing Coach for the past ten years I have been afforded the opportunity to work alongside many inspiring individuals and groups.

With this experience I came to realise my passion and strengths are within creating and building relationships as well as realizing an idea or team's potential and helping them present that potential to prospective clients both visually and verbally.

I am always looking for a challenge and for the opportunity to help an individual or team bring an idea/dream to fruition! 

Feel free to reach out for a chat.


Happy .Co-ristmas!


Shout out to Caroline Zhang!