QuadReal - 2021-2022 Animated Activity Report
The Brief
To create a brief animated overview of QuadReals 2021-2022 Activity Report showcasing their achievements as well as emphasising their values and promoting their people.
The video needed to be under 2 minutes.
Content supplied by QuadReal was largely still images of their team; bringing the images to life was integral to creating an energetic and engaging video.
Information being conveyed on screen was both aural and visual; a careful balance was required to allow the audience easily digest the content without being overwhelmed.
QuadReal’s 5 Core Company Values were edited into 5 short videos for display on their several worldwide social media platforms.
The Team
Our .Co-llaborators are what makes Creative Others so great! Here are the others who were involved in this project…
Troy McNamara - Creative Director & Project Management
Joe Thienbunlertrat - Art Director & Animation Lead
Derek Masterson - Award-Winning Playwright / Writer
The QuadReal Team - Their knowledge of the brand, open transparent communication and feedback made them a valuable part of bringing this project to fruition.
The Process
Concept Design
Initially, we briefed the QuadReal team on compiling videos and images they both liked and loathed. After a short workshop to review and discuss their compiled images we went about creating style boards that we felt were in line with their preferences and reflective of their brand (...not forgetting to add a healthy dose of creative flair for good measure!).
Below is the document we created incorporating outlines, styles and timelines together with a draft of the script. It’s an essential tool that allows each person working on the project be of one mind.
2. Refined Design
Once our Concept Design document was approved we began refining each element of the project. This is achieved through workshops and production meetings where ideas and content is shared and reviewed. We have a stable of great online tools at our disposal that assist our clients to offer feedback in a manner that ensures they feel heard and know they are integral to the process. After all, who knows their brand best!?
We then started working with our client to compile all the required assets such as branding, content and miscellaneous information required for the foundation of production.
3. Production
At this stage, all our ducks are in a row and we’re ready for production.
Assets are compiled, the script is “locked”, voice-over artists have been booked, and the style boards and animations are approved. Our team gets to work on producing the first draft in its entirety.
The work we do early on in the production process, and in collaboration with our client, creates a solid foundation that guarantees we are all aligned with the same vision/concept in the lead-up to the final stages of production. At this stage, we ensure everyone feels heard and has a sense of ownership of the final product. To us, this is what true collaboration is all about, and what we strive to achieve in each and every one of our projects.
We would like to give a special note of gratitude to QuadReal for placing their trust in us and allowing us assist them in creating an engaging video that represents their brand, people and worldwide clientele. Utmost congratulations on your achievements throughout 2022 ; from what we saw whilst working with your team, you undoubtedly live up to your brand’s core values!