Richard Lynch is a Business Analyst looking to create a name for himself.

We looked to understand what Richards long term goals were, who he represented as a person and advise on how to create a simple manageable setup that he could use himself which was also scalable as he grows. We created a clean brand identity with a clear message to help him show what he is all about and build confidence in future potential clients and expand his online network.

Everything we created we did with the mindset that RLC will evolve and grow so the back end is set up in a way that we can easily add extra team members and if in the future a full rebrand is required it will be easy and quick to implement.

In the meantime Richard has been tasked with simple tips and tricks he can do each week to grow his online presence and network organically (Not paid for advertising).

Project Attributes

  • Light Branding Excercise (This means we created a simple clean look and did not undertake a large time-consuming branding process as it was deemed unnecessary at this point in time)

  • Website

  • Email

  • Print Media - Business Cards

  • Social Media Assets - Creating a header image for Linkedin to ensure visual brand consistency

“Life is like a box of chocolates, but it’s up to you to choose which chocolate”
— Richard Lynch
Troy McNamara

A good idea with passionate individuals behind it is what gets me going!

With training and work experience in Marketing, Event Management and Architecture along with being an International Sailing Coach for the past ten years I have been afforded the opportunity to work alongside many inspiring individuals and groups.

With this experience I came to realise my passion and strengths are within creating and building relationships as well as realizing an idea or team's potential and helping them present that potential to prospective clients both visually and verbally.

I am always looking for a challenge and for the opportunity to help an individual or team bring an idea/dream to fruition! 

Feel free to reach out for a chat.

Packaging Laundry


City of Surrey - Culture Videos