City of Surrey - Culture Videos

The Brief

Create 4 music videos for the City of Surrey’s online Canada Day & Fusion Festival production

  • Video 1 - National Drumming Celebration

  • Video 2 - Surrey Cultural Dance Celebration

  • Video 3 & 4 - Surrey Fusion Festival 2020 Promotion

The Result

National Drumming Celebration

This video was done in collaboration with the insanely talented team at Destineak and events production team at MRG Events.

MRG took on the logistics role making sure we had everything we needed from permits to power while we collaborated with Destineak who were the performers and audio engineers while we shot and edited the visuals.

The style of collaboration between the teams could not have been better. Open honest communication, hearing each other out, exploring ideas and suggestions and supporting each other in the process!




Surrey Fusion Festival 2020 Promotion

Behind the scenes

Troy McNamara

A good idea with passionate individuals behind it is what gets me going!

With training and work experience in Marketing, Event Management and Architecture along with being an International Sailing Coach for the past ten years I have been afforded the opportunity to work alongside many inspiring individuals and groups.

With this experience I came to realise my passion and strengths are within creating and building relationships as well as realizing an idea or team's potential and helping them present that potential to prospective clients both visually and verbally.

I am always looking for a challenge and for the opportunity to help an individual or team bring an idea/dream to fruition! 

Feel free to reach out for a chat.

Richard Lynch Consulting


"Wearing is Caring" Translink Bus Mask